• Applicants must be between 18-30 years of age
  • The competition is open to any graduates, postgraduate students and alumni of any educational institution in the UT of Puducherry
  • There is no restriction regarding the student’s year of study.
  • Engineering – All branches of engineering  
  • Management – All areas of specialization 
  • All Other disciplines of graduation
  • Make submissions in English 
  • Presentation can be in English and Tamil
  • Team size should be minimum 2 members to maximum 4.
  • Innovations presented should not have been awarded by any other major National or State level awards program previously
  • Presentation can be in English and Tamil
  • Team size should be minimum 2 member to maximum 4
  • Innovations presented should not have been awarded by any other major National or State level awards program previously.


  • Share your innovative idea in the form of minimum viable project
  • Share proof of Concept or Prototype, if ready
  • Ideas & innovations should be in any of the focus sector.
  • Participating Innovations and ideas should be backed up by data and facts.
  • winning Innovation/Prototype/ proof of Concept will be eligible for Seed Funding